
Meet the Testimonial behind Geeks UI

Testimonial #1

4.5/5.0 5(Based on 3265 ratings)

What our customers say

Hear from teachers, trainers, and leaders in the learning space about how Geeks empowers them to provide quality online learning experiences.

I started at stage zero. With Geeks I was able to start learning online and eventually build up enough knowledge and skills to transition into a well-paying career.


Barry Watson

Web Developer,UK

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vulputate euismod justo in consequat. Sed tempus elementum urnanisl et lacus.


Linda Shenoy

Developer and Bootcamp Instructor

Sed pretium risus magna, ac efficitur nunc rutrum imperdiet. Vivamus sed ante sed mi fermentum tempus. Nullam finibus augue eget felis efficitur semper.


Jean Watson

Engineering Architect
// import node module libraries
import Link from 'next/link';
import { Col, Row, Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { Ratings, TestimonialsSlider3 } from 'widgets';
export const Testimonial1Example = () => {
return (
<section className="bg-gray-200 pt-14 pb-16">
<Container className="container">
<Row className="mb-10">
<Col lg={{ span: 10, offset: 1 }} xs={12}>
<Row className="align-items-center">
<Col md={6}>
<div className="">
<div className="mb-3"><span className="text-dark fw-semi-bold">4.5/5.0</span>{' '}
<span className="text-warning"> <Ratings rating={4.5} /> </span>{' '}
<span className="text-warning">5</span><span className="ms-2">(Based on 3265 ratings)</span></div>
<h2 className="h1">What our customers say</h2>
<p className="mb-0"> Hear from <span className="text-dark">teachers</span>, <span
className="text-dark">trainers</span>, and <span className="text-dark">leaders</span> in the learning space about how Geeks empowers them to provide quality online learning experiences.</p>
<Col md={6} className="text-md-end mt-4 mt-md-0">
<Link href="#" className="btn btn-primary">View Reviews</Link>
<Col md={12}>
<div className="position-relative">
<TestimonialsSlider3 />

Testimonial #2

Customer stories

What our customer stories

A customer story is an engaging article integrating testimonial quotes from a happy client or customer praising the work completed together.

"Geeksjobs Welcome has helped us achieve continuity to ensure that all of our employees are on the same page."

David Stokes

Program Manager at Company
// import node module libraries
import { Col, Row, Container, Button, Image } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { SectionHeadingCenter } from 'widgets';
export const Testimonial2Example = () => {
const title = 'What our customer stories';
const subtitle = 'Customer stories';
const description = 'A customer story is an engaging article integrating testimonial quotes from a happy client or customer praising the work completed together.';
return (
<section className="py-lg-16 bg-white pt-8 pb-10">
<Col xl={{ span: 10, offset: 1 }} md={12} xs={12}>
<Row className="align-items-center">
<Col lg={7} md={12} xs={12}>
<div className="mb-8 mb-lg-0 me-lg-4">
<p className="display-6 mb-4 lh-2">&quot;Geeksjobs Welcome has helped us achieve continuity to ensure that all of our employees are on the same page.&quot;</p>
<p className="mb-0 ">David Stokes</p>
<span className="">Program Manager at Company</span>
<Col lg={5} md={12} xs={12}>
<Image src='/images/background/case-study-img-1.jpg' alt="" className="img-fluid rounded-3 w-100" />
<Col xs>
<Button as="a" variant="outline-primary" className="mt-lg-2 mt-4" href="#">View All Stories</Button>

Testimonial #3

Developer Geeks

Our average call quality rating is 4.4 out of 5. That leads to happy tweets like these:

"Geeks has created an incredibly seamless experience for app design. My mind is blown fusce consequat ligula in dui congue interdum."

Ronald Richards

Payments Engineer

"I am very satisfied with my purchase. Your team helped me a lot with the new release for RLT version. I hope you are always successful."

Darlene Robertson

Senior Data Analyst

// import node module libraries
import Icon from '@mdi/react';
import { mdiHeart } from '@mdi/js';
import { Row, Col, Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { TestimonialCard4 } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import DeveloperGeeksData from 'data/marketing/compare-plans/DeveloperGeeksData';
export const Testimonial3Example = () => {
return (
<section className="pb-14 pt-8 ps-0 bg-light ">
<Col xl={{ span: 6, offset: 3 }} md={12}>
<div className="text-center mb-8">
<h1 className="display-4 fw-bold mb-3">
Developer <Icon path={mdiHeart} className="text-danger mx-1" size={2} /> Geeks
<p className="fs-4"> Our average call quality rating is 4.4 out of 5. That leads to happy tweets like these: </p>
{DeveloperGeeksData.map((item, index) => {
return (
<Col md={6} xs={12} key={index} className="mb-4">
<TestimonialCard4 item={item} />

Testimonial #4

A team member at Geeks

Our employees are our most valuable assets

Employees are the most valuable assets an organization has. It s their abilities, knowledge, and experience that can't be replaced.

"Working for Geeks UI has been nothing short of an incredible experience. I am continuously motivated to bring my best self to work with Geek's core values as inspiration - what a special place to grow and thrive!"

Tiffany Moore

Software Engineer

// import node module libraries
import { Col, Row, Container, Image } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { SectionHeadingLeft3 } from 'widgets';
export const Testimonial4 = () => {
const title = 'Our employees are our most valuable assets';
const subtitle = 'A team member at Geeks';
const description = 'Employees are the most valuable assets an organization has. It s their abilities, knowledge, and experience that can't be replaced.';
return (
<section className="pt-lg-14 pb-lg-18 pb-8 bg-white">
<Col xl={{ offset: 1, span: 10 }} xs={12}>
<div className="mt-8">
<Row className="align-items-center">
<Col lg={6} md={12} sm={12}>
<p className="h2 fw-normal mb-6 lh-lg">
&quot;Working for Geeks UI has been nothing short of an incredible experience. I am continuously motivated to bring my best self to work with Geek&apos;s core values as inspiration - what a special place to grow and thrive!&quot;
<h3 className="mb-1">Tiffany Moore</h3>
<p className="mb-0">Software Engineer</p>
<Col lg={{ offset: 1, span: 5 }} md={12} sm={12}>
<div className="mt-6 mt-lg-0">
<Image src="/images/career/employee-pic.jpg" alt="" className="img-fluid w-100 rounded-3" />

Testimonial #5

"I am very satisfied with my purchase. Your team helped me a lot with the new release for RLT version. I hope you are always successful. Thank you for your services and support."


Geeks UI Customer

"This item has everything you need for creating a modern learning-platform. Really delighted by many details and the overall architecture. Support was superfast and helpful as well."


Geeks UI Customer

// import node module libraries
import { Col, Container, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { TestimonialCardWithLogo } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import CustomersTestimonialsData from 'data/landing-sass/CustomersTestimonialsData';
export const Testimonial5Example = () => {
return (
<section className="pt-lg-14 pb-lg-18 pb-8 bg-white">
{CustomersTestimonialsData.map((item, index) => {
return (
<Col lg={{ offset: 1, span: 5 }} md={6} xs={12} key={index} className='mb-4'>
<TestimonialCardWithLogo item={item} />

Testimonial #6

The developers loves. Says

Optimized for a great developer experience.

"I started at stage zero. With Geeks I was able to start learning online and eventually build up enough knowledge and skills to transition into a well-paying career."

Barry Watson / Web Developer,UK

// import node module libraries
import { Container, Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { TestimonialsSlider2, SectionHeadingLeft2 } from 'widgets';
export const Testimonial6 = () => {
return (
<section className="py-6 bg-white">
<Col xl={{ offset: 2, span: 8 }} sm={12}>
<Row className="mb-8">
<Col lg={9} md={12} sm={12} className="mb-8">
title="The developers loves. Says"
description="Optimized for a great developer experience."
<Col md={12} sm={12}>
<TestimonialsSlider2 />

Testimonial #7


What our learners are saying

12+ million people are already learning on Geeks

I started at stage zero. With Geeks I was able to start learning online and eventually build up enough knowledge and skills to transition into a well-paying career.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vulputate euismod justo in consequat. Sed tempus elementum urnanisl et lacus.

// import node module libraries
import { Container, Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { SectionHeadingCenter, TestimonialColorCard } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import { TestimonialsList } from 'data/testimonials/TestimonialsList';
export const Testimonial7Example = () => {
const title = 'What our learners are saying';
const subtitle = 'Testimonials';
const description = '12+ million people are already learning on Geeks';
return (
<section className="py-8 py-lg-18 bg-light">
{TestimonialsList.slice(0, 2).map((item, index) => (
<Col md={6} sm={12} key={index}>
<TestimonialColorCard item={item} />

Testimonial #8


Don’t just take our word for it.

12+ million people are already learning on Geeks

"I started at stage zero. With Geeks I was able to start learning online and eventually build up enough knowledge and skills to transition into a well-paying career."

"Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam vulputate euismod justo in consequat. Sed tempus elementum urnanisl et lacus."

"Sed pretium risus magna, ac efficitur nunc rutrum imperdiet. Vivamus sed ante sed mi fermentum tempus. Nullam finibus augue eget felis efficitur semper."

// import node module libraries
import { Row, Col, Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { SectionHeadingCenter, TestimonialsSlider } from 'widgets';
export const Testimonial8Example = () => {
const title = 'Don’t just take our word for it.';
const subtitle = 'Testimonials';
const description = '12+ million people are already learning on Geeks';
return (
<section className="py-3 bg-light">
<Container className="py-8">
<Row className="mb-8">
<Col md={12}>
<TestimonialsSlider />

Testimonial #9

Love & Praise By The Mentees

We’ve already delivered 1-on-1 mentorship to thousands of students, professionals, managers and executives. Even better, they’ve left an rating of 4.9 out of 5 for our mentors.

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John Deo

The generated lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or words etc generate lorem Ipsum which looks racteristic reasonable...

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Akshay sharma

Software Engineer at Palantir
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Gladys Colbert

Velit consectetur in adipisicing culpa eiusmod commodo eu ex dolore. Officia irure nisi dolor dolore velit fugiat. Aliqua sint aliqua aute elit eu sunt.

avatar 2

Jessica Lupien

Senior Data Engineer at Zoom
avatar 1
Bev Robertson

Velit consectetur in adipisicing culpa eiusmod commodo eu ex dolore.Officia irure nisi dolordolore velit fugiat. Aliqua sint aliqua aute elit eu sunt.

avatar 2

Andrew Lupien

Quality Assurance Engineer at Amazon
avatar 1
Doris Esparza

Proident quis deserunt qui ex exercitation veniam id Lorem est cupidatat ipsum irure aliquip ad.

avatar 2

James Anderson

UI/UX Designer at Figma
avatar 1
Marlene Turner

Id duis velit enim officia ad nisi incididunt magna ex dolor minim deserunt dolor. Esse incididunt cillum nostrud esse do quis amet labore amet nulla eiusmod amet nulla Lorem. Incididunt ex voluptate irure officia laboris ea proident est qui.

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Bernice Perry

Senior business analyst at InstaCart
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Daniel Groleau

The generated lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or words etc generate lorem Ipsum which looks racteristic reasonable...

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Patrice Long

Software Engineer at Microsoft
// import node module libraries
import { useState } from 'react'
import { Col, Container, Row } from 'react-bootstrap'
import Link from 'next/link';
// import widget/custom components
import { MenteeTestimonialCard, TestimonialModalPopup } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import TestimonialsData from 'data/marketing/mentor/TestimonialsData';
export const Testimonial9 = () => {
const [modalShow, setModalShow] = useState(false);
const [activeTestimonial, setActiveTestimonial] = useState(null);
return (
<section className="bg-dark-primary py-lg-8 py-6">
<Container className="py-lg-6">
<Col xxl={{ span: 6, offset: 3 }} lg={{ span: 8, offset: 2 }} xs={12} >
<div className="text-center mb-6 d-flex flex-column gap-2">
<h2 className="mb-0 text-white h1">Love & Praise By The Mentees</h2>
<p className="mb-0 text-white">
We’ve already delivered 1-on-1 mentorship to thousands of students, professionals, managers and executives. Even better, they’ve left an rating of 4.9 out of 5 for our mentors.
<Row className="gy-4">
{/* Iterate over chunks of two testimonials at a time */}
{Array.from({ length: Math.ceil(TestimonialsData.length / 2) }, (_, i) =>
TestimonialsData.slice(i * 2, i * 2 + 2)
).map((chunk, chunkIndex) => {
return (
<Col key={chunkIndex} lg={4} xs={12} className="d-flex flex-column gap-4" >
{chunk.map((testimonial, index) => (
<Link href="#" key={index} scroll={false} onClick={() => { setActiveTestimonial(testimonial.id), setModalShow(true) }}>
<MenteeTestimonialCard testimonial={testimonial} />
<TestimonialModalPopup show={modalShow} onHide={() => setModalShow(false)} activetestimonial={activeTestimonial} />
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