Call to action (CTA) is a marketing term for any device designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale.
CTA #1
Sign Up To Share Your Knowledge
Follow these three simple steps to get started with Long Term Mentorship
You've invested a lot of time to learn your skill, craft, or expertise
Get paid for talking about the things you already know and love
Set your own availability and meet on your time
// import widget/custom componentsimport { CTAMentor } from 'widgets';
export const CTA1Example = () => { return (<CTAMentor />)}
CTA #2
Let’s find the right course for you!
…and achieve their learning goals. With our expert tutors, your goals are closer than ever!
Start learning// import widget/custom componentsimport { CTAStartLearning } from 'widgets';
export const CTA2Example = () => { const title = 'Let’s find the right course for you!'; const subtitle = '…and achieve their learning goals. With our expert tutors, your goals are closer than ever!'; const btntext = 'Start learning'; const btnlink = '#'; return ( <CTAStartLearning title={title} subtitle={subtitle} btntext={btntext} btnlink={btnlink} /> )}
CTA #3
Become an instructor today
Instructors from around the world teach millions of students on Geeks. We provide the tools and skills to teach what you love.
Start Teaching Today// import widget/custom componentsimport { CTABecomeAnInstructor } from 'widgets';
export const CTA3 = () => { const title = 'Become an instructor today'; const description = 'Instructors from around the world teach millions of students on Geeks. We provide the tools and skills to teach what you love.'; const btntext = 'Start Teaching Today'; const btnlink = '#'; return ( <CTABecomeAnInstructor title={title} description={description} btntext={btntext} btnlink={btnlink} />)}
CTA #4
Just try it out! You’ll fall in love
Designed for modern companies looking to launch a simple, premium and modern website and apps..
Try For Free// import widget/custom componentsimport { CTAFreeTrial } from 'widgets';
export const CTA4Example = () => { const title = 'Just try it out! You’ll fall in love'; const subtitle = 'Get things done'; const description = 'Designed for modern companies looking to launch a simple, premium and modern website and apps.'; const btntext = 'Try For Free'; const btnlink = '#'; return ( <CTAFreeTrial title={title} description={description} subtitle={subtitle} btntext={btntext} btnlink={btnlink} />)}
CTA #5
Get early access
Geeks is currently invite only. Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to try out Geeks and stay in the loop.
// import widget/custom componentsimport { CTAEarlyAccess } from 'widgets';
export const CTA5Example = () => { return ( <section className='py-8'> <CTAEarlyAccess /> </section> )}
CTA #6
Join more than 1 million learners worldwide
Effective learning starts with assessment. Learning a new skill is hard work—Signal makes it easier.
// import widget/custom componentsimport { CTA2Buttons } from 'widgets';
export const CTA6Example = () => { return ( <section className='bg-light'> <CTA2Buttons title="Join more than 1 million learners worldwide" description="Effective learning starts with assessment. Learning a new skill is hard work—Signal makes it easier." btntext1="Start Learning for Free" btnlink1="/authentication/sign-up" btntext2="Geeks for Business" btnlink2="/authentication/sign-up" /> </section> )}
CTA #7
Join the Geeks team & shape the future of design
If you’re passionate and ready to dive in, we’d love to meet you. We’re committed to supporting our employee professional development and well-being.
View opportunities// import widget/custom componentsimport { CTAButton } from 'widgets';
export const CTA7Example = () => { const title = 'Join the Geeks team & shape the future of design'; const description = 'If you’re passionate and ready to dive in, we’d love to meet you. We’re committed to supporting our employee professional development and well-being.'; const btntext = 'View opportunities'; const btnlink = '#'; return ( <CTAButton title={title} description={description} btntext={btntext} btnlink={btnlink} /> )}