Build on your workflow with apps that integrate with Geeks UI.
App Integration Sections
Integrate with the Apps
Build on your workflow with apps that integrate with Geeks UI.
Bring your files and cloud content together.
Full platform of marketing, sales, other service.
Integrates seamlessly with Docs, Sheets...
New way to communicate with your team
Streamline work with automation today.
Full platform of marketing,sales, other service.
// import node module librariesimport Link from 'next/link';import { Col, Row, Container, Image, Card } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom componentsimport { SectionHeadingDarkCenter } from 'widgets';
// import data filesimport AppIntegrationData from 'data/landing-sass/AppIntegrationData';
export const AppIntegrationExample = () => { const title = 'Integrate with the Apps'; const subtitle = 'App Integration Sections'; const description = 'Build on your workflow with apps that integrate with Geeks UI.'; return ( <section className="py-lg-14 py-8 bg-gray-200"> <Container> <Row className="justify-content-center"> <Col lg={6} md={12} xs={12}> <SectionHeadingDarkCenter title={title} description={description} subtitle={subtitle} dark={false} /> </Col> </Row> {/* row */} <Row> {, index) => { return ( <Col xl={2} md={4} xs={6} className="mb-3 mb-xl-0" key={index}> <Card className="h-100"> <Card.Body> <Image src={item.applogo} alt="" className="icon-lg mb-3" /> <h3>{item.appname}</h3> <p className="mb-0">{item.content}</p> </Card.Body> </Card> </Col> ); })} </Row> <Row> <Col xs={12} className="text-center mt-8"> <Link href="#" className="btn btn-primary"> View All Apps </Link> </Col> </Row> </Container> </section> );}