
Modern & Interactive Open Source Charts

Data with Bar Chart

Unlike the Column chart, a ReactJS Bar Chart is oriented in a horizontal manner using rectangular bars.

Your Earning this month


Update your payout method in settings

Withdraw Earning

Your paypal account has been authorized for payouts.

Remove Account
// import node module libraries
import Link from 'next/link';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Card, Row, Col, Image, Alert, Form, } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { ApexCharts } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import { PayoutChartSeries, PayoutChartOptions } from 'data/charts/ChartData';
export const DataWithBarChartExample = () => {
const AlertDismissible = () => {
const [show, setShow] = useState(true);
if (show) {
return (
<Alert variant="warning" className='bg-light-warning text-dark-warning border-0' onClose={() => setShow(false)} dismissible>
<Alert.Heading className="mb-0">
Your selected payout method was confirmed on Next Payout on 15 July,
return '';
return (
<section className='p-4 bg-light'>
<Card className="border-0">
<AlertDismissible />
<Row className="mt-6">
<Col xl={4} lg={4} md={12} sm={12} className="mb-3 mb-lg-0">
<div className="text-center">
<ApexCharts options={PayoutChartOptions} series={PayoutChartSeries} height={165} type="bar" />
<h4 className="mb-1">Your Earning this month</h4>
<h5 className="mb-0 display-4 fw-bold">$3,210</h5>
<p className="px-4">Update your payout method in settings</p>
<Link href="#" className="btn btn-primary"> Withdraw Earning </Link>
<Col xl={8} lg={8} md={12} sm={12}>
<div className="border p-4 rounded-3 mb-3">
<Form.Check.Input type="radio" name="customRadio" id="default-radio1" />
<Image src="/images/brand/paypal-small.svg" alt="" />
<p>Your paypal account has been authorized for payouts.</p>
<Link href="#" className="btn btn-outline-primary">
Remove Account
<div className="border p-4 rounded-3 mb-3">
<Form.Check.Input type="radio" name="customRadio" id="default-radio2" />
<Image src="/images/brand/payoneer.svg" alt="" />
<div className="border p-4 rounded-3">
<Form.Check.Input type="radio" name="customRadio" id="default-radio3" />
<Form.Check.Label>Bank Transfer</Form.Check.Label>

Data With Line Chart

View samples of line charts below along with the source code, so you can integrate right away.


Your total earnings


Update your payout method in settings.

// import node module libraries
import { Card, Row, Col, Badge, } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { ApexCharts, StatTopIcon } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import { TotalEarningChartOptions, TotalEarningChartSeries, EarningsChartOptions, EarningsChartSeries } from 'data/charts/ChartData';
export const DataWithLineChartExample = () => {
return (
<section className='p-4 bg-light'>
<Col xl={3} lg={4} md={12} sm={12} className="mb-3 mb-lg-0">
<StatTopIcon title="Your total earnings" value="$3,210" iconName="shopping-cart" colorVariant="success" progress={0} flat />
<Col className="col ps-0">
<ApexCharts options={TotalEarningChartOptions} series={TotalEarningChartSeries} width={130} />
<Col className="col-auto">
<Badge bg="success">
<i className="fe fe-trending-up fs-6 me-2"></i>32%
<p className="mb-0 lh-1.5"> Update your payout method in settings. </p>
<Col xl={9} lg={8} md={12} sm={12}>
<ApexCharts options={EarningsChartOptions} series={EarningsChartSeries} height={350} type="line" />

Donut Chart

ReactJS Pie Charts and ReactJS Donut Charts are optimally used in the display of just a few sets of data.

// import node module libraries
import { Card } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { ApexCharts } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import { TrafficChartOptions, TrafficChartSeries } from 'data/charts/ChartData';
export const DonutChartExample = () => {
return (
<section className='p-4 bg-light'>
<Card className="border-0">

Bar Chart

Unlike the Column chart, a JavaScript Bar Chart is oriented in a horizontal manner using rectangular bars.

// import node module libraries
import { Card } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { ApexCharts } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import { OrderColumnChartOptions, OrderColumnChartSeries } from 'data/charts/ChartData';
export const BarChartExample = () => {
return (
<section className='p-4 bg-light'>
<Card className="border-0">

Line Chart

View samples of line charts below along with the source code, so you can integrate right away.

// import node module libraries
import { Card } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom components
import { ApexCharts } from 'widgets';
// import data files
import { EarningsChartOptions, EarningsChartSeries } from 'data/charts/ChartData';
export const LineChartExample = () => {
return (
<section className='p-4 bg-light'>
<Card className="border-0">
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