A component that displays content as a stats with numbers.
Stats #1
Qualified Instructor1.8 Billion+
Course enrolments41,000+
Courses in 42 languages179,000+
Online Videos// import node module librariesimport { Col, Row, Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom componentsimport { StatTopBigIcon } from 'widgets';
export const Stats1Example = () => { return ( <section className="py-8"> <Container> <Row> <Col lg={3} md={6} className="border-top-md border-bottom border-end-md "> <StatTopBigIcon title="Qualified Instructor" value="316,000+" iconName="award" colorVariant="info" /> </Col> <Col lg={3} md={6} className="border-top-md border-bottom border-end-lg "> <StatTopBigIcon title="Course enrolments" value="1.8 Billion+" iconName="users" colorVariant="warning" /> </Col> <Col lg={3} md={6} className="border-top-lg border-bottom border-end-md "> <StatTopBigIcon title="Courses in 42 languages" value="41,000+" iconName="tv" colorVariant="primary" /> </Col> <Col lg={3} md={6} className="border-top-lg border-bottom "> <StatTopBigIcon title="Online Videos" value="179,000+" iconName="film" colorVariant="success" /> </Col> </Row> </Container> </section> )}
Stats #2
Our core values
Geeks is the leading global marketplace for teaching and learning, connecting millions of students to the skills they need to succeed.
Course enrollments
// import node module librariesimport { Col, Container, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';
export const Stats2Example = () => { const title = 'Our core values'; const description = 'Geeks is the leading global marketplace for teaching and learning, connecting millions of students to the skills they need to succeed.'; const counters = [ { id: 1, title: 'Learners', value: '20M' }, { id: 2, title: 'Instructors', value: '57K' }, { id: 3, title: 'Courses', value: '21K' }, { id: 4, title: 'Course enrollments', value: '380M' } ]; return ( <section className='py-8'> <Container> <Row> <Col md={6} sm={12} className="offset-right-md-6 mb-6"> <h2 className="display-4 mb-3 fw-bold">{title}</h2> <p className="lead">{description}</p> </Col> </Row> <Row> {, index) => { return ( <Col lg={3} md={6} sm={6} xs={6} key={index}> <div className="border-top pt-4 mt-6 mb-5"> <h1 className="display-3 fw-bold mb-0">{item.value}</h1> <p className="text-uppercase text-muted">{item.title}</p> </div> </Col> ); })} </Row> </Container> </section> );}
Stats #3
Earning this month$203.23Students Enrollments
New this month120+Courses Rating
Rating this month10+// import node module librariesimport { Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom componentsimport { StatRightBadge } from 'widgets';
export const Stats3Example = () => { return ( <section className="p-4 bg-light rounded-3"> <Row> <Col lg={4} md={12} sm={12} className="mb-4 mb-lg-0"> <StatRightBadge title="Revenue" subtitle="Earning this month" value="$467.34" badgeValue="$203.23" colorVariant="success" /> </Col> <Col lg={4} md={12} sm={12} className="mb-4 mb-lg-0"> <StatRightBadge title="Students Enrollments" subtitle="New this month" value="12,000" badgeValue="120+" colorVariant="info" /> </Col> <Col lg={4} md={12} sm={12} className="mb-4 mb-lg-0"> <StatRightBadge title="Courses Rating" subtitle="Rating this month" value="4.80" badgeValue="10+" colorVariant="warning" /> </Col> </Row> </section> )}
Stats #4
Earning this month
Account Balance
Life Time Sales
// import node module librariesimport { Col, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom componentsimport { StatTopIcon } from 'widgets';
export const Stats4Example = () => { return ( <section className="p-4 bg-light rounded-3"> <Row> <Col lg={4} md={12} sm={12} className="mb-4 mb-lg-0"> <StatTopIcon title="Earning this month" value="$3,210" iconName="folder" colorVariant="primary" progress={65} /> </Col> <Col lg={4} md={12} sm={12} className="mb-4 mb-lg-0"> <StatTopIcon title="Account Balance" value="$3,800" iconName="shopping-bag" colorVariant="danger" progress={65} /> </Col> <Col lg={4} md={12} sm={12}> <StatTopIcon title="Life Time Sales" value="$10,800" iconName="send" colorVariant="warning" progress={65} /> </Col> </Row> </section> );}
Stats #5
100 Last 30 DaysASSETS
300+ Media ObjectUSERS
1.5k in 30DaysCOMMENTS
20+ Comments// import node module librariesimport { Col, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';import { mdiAccountMultiple, mdiImageMultiple, mdiMessageReplyText, mdiTextBoxMultiple } from '@mdi/js';
// import widget/custom componentsimport { StatRightBGIcon } from 'widgets';
export const Stats5 = () => { return ( <section className="p-4 bg-light rounded-3"> <Row> <Col xl={3} lg={6} md={12} sm={12}> <StatRightBGIcon title="TOTAL POSTS" value="2,000" summary="100 Last 30 Days" iconName={mdiTextBoxMultiple} iconColorVariant="primary" classValue="mb-4" /> </Col> <Col xl={3} lg={6} md={12} sm={12}> <StatRightBGIcon title="ASSETS" value="367" summary="300+ Media Object" iconName={mdiImageMultiple} iconColorVariant="warning" classValue="mb-4" /> </Col> <Col xl={3} lg={6} md={12} sm={12}> <StatRightBGIcon title="USERS" value="13,234" summary="1.5k in 30Days" iconName={mdiAccountMultiple} iconColorVariant="success" classValue="mb-4" /> </Col> <Col xl={3} lg={6} md={12} sm={12}> <StatRightBGIcon title="COMMENTS" value="120" summary="20+ Comments" iconName={mdiMessageReplyText} iconColorVariant="info" classValue="mb-4" /> </Col> </Row> </section> );}
Stats #6
+20.9$Number of salesCOURSES
120+Number of pendingSTUDENTS
+200Instructor// import node module librariesimport { Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap';
// import widget/custom componentsimport { StatRightIcon } from 'widgets';
export const Stats6 = () => { return ( <section className="p-4 bg-light rounded-3"> <Row> <Col xl={3} lg={6} md={12} sm={12}> <StatRightIcon title="SALES" value="$10,800" summary="Number of sales" summaryValue="+20.9$" summaryIcon="up" showSummaryIcon iconName="shopping-bag" iconColorVariant="primary" classValue="mb-4" /> </Col>
<Col xl={3} lg={6} md={12} sm={12}> <StatRightIcon title="COURSES" value="2,456" summary="Number of pending" summaryValue="120+" summaryIcon="down" iconName="book-open" iconColorVariant="primary" classValue="mb-4" /> </Col>
<Col xl={3} lg={6} md={12} sm={12}> <StatRightIcon title="STUDENTS" value="1,22,456" summary="Students" summaryValue="+1200" summaryIcon="up" showSummaryIcon iconName="users" iconColorVariant="primary" classValue="mb-4" /> </Col>
<Col xl={3} lg={6} md={12} sm={12}> <StatRightIcon title="INSTRUCTOR" value="22,786" summary="Instructor" summaryValue="+200" summaryIcon="up" showSummaryIcon iconName="user-check" iconColorVariant="primary" classValue="mb-4" /> </Col> </Row> </section> );}