Checks and radios
Create consistent cross-browser and cross-device checkboxes and radios with our completely rewritten checks component.
Default (stacked)
By default, any number of checkboxes and radios that are immediate sibling will be vertically stacked and appropriately spaced with FormCheck.
<Form>{['checkbox', 'radio'].map((type) => (<div key={`default-${type}`} className="mb-3"><Form.Checktype={type}id={`default-${type}`}label={`default ${type}`}/><Form.Checkdisabledtype={type}label={`disabled ${type}`}id={`disabled-default-${type}`}/></div>))}</Form>
A switch has the markup of a custom checkbox but uses type="switch"
to render a toggle switch. Switches also support the same customizable children as <FormCheck>
<Form><Form.Select size="lg"><option>Large select</option></Form.Select><br /><Form.Select><option>Default select</option></Form.Select><br /><Form.Select size="sm"><option>Small select</option></Form.Select></Form>
Group checkboxes or radios on the same horizontal row by adding the inline
<Form>{['checkbox', 'radio'].map((type) => (<div key={`inline-${type}`} className="mb-3"><Form.Checkinlinelabel="1"name="group1"type={type}id={`inline-${type}-1`}/><Form.Checkinlinelabel="2"name="group1"type={type}id={`inline-${type}-2`}/><Form.Checkinlinedisabledlabel="3 (disabled)"type={type}id={`inline-${type}-3`}/></div>))}</Form>
Without labels
When you render a FormCheck without a label (no children
) some additional styling is applied to keep the inputs from collapsing.
Remember to add an aria-label
when omitting labels!
<Form><Form.Check aria-label="option 1" /><Form.Check type="radio" aria-label="radio 1" /></Form>
Customizing FormCheck rendering
Group checkboxes or radios on the same horizontal row by adding the FormCheck
prop. When you need tighter control, or want to customize how the FormCheck
component renders, it may better to use its constituent parts directly.
By provided children
to the FormCheck
you can forgo the default rendering and handle it yourself. (You can still provide an id to the FormCheck
or FormGroup
and have it propagate to the label and input).
<Form>{['checkbox', 'radio'].map((type) => (<div key={type} className="mb-3"><Form.Check type={type} id={`check-api-${type}`}><Form.Check.Input type={type} isValid /><Form.Check.Label>{`Custom api ${type}`}</Form.Check.Label><Form.Control.Feedback type="valid">You did it!</Form.Control.Feedback></Form.Check></div>))}</Form>